Why learn Russian?

The US Government needs more Russian-language specialists. Speak Russian to engage in the economies of many different countries. Russian is an important language for science and technology. Russian is spoken by hundreds of millions of people. Studying Russian helps you enter post-graduate programs. Students of Russian go on to great careers.

Grammar, Speaking and Reading



Directions and verbs of motion

Verbs of motion for beginners

Possessive pronouns 


Genitive Case formation and applying it. Lesson 1

Genitive Case formation and applying it. Lesson2 

Pronoun Себя and Свой

Question words чей, чья. чьё, чьи

Russian Reflexive Verbs

Verbs of motion ( Intermediate Level)

Verbs of motion in used плыть – плавать

Бежать – learn more verbs of motion

Транспорт в городе (city transportation)

Exercises for verb

Exercises for verb to agree

Exercises for verb to answer

Exercises for verb to argue

Exercises for verb to ask the question

Exercises for verb to request


Adverbial participle

Genitive case pluraul form (part 1)

Genitive case pluraul form (part 2)

How you can use the verb of motions with a prefixes

Subjunctive mood

The meaning of verbal prefixes for verbs of motion русский язык

Verbs of motion Бродить

Verbs of motion with prefixes (Rus.)

Verbs of motion with prefixes in the context.



Arrival to airport

At the bazaar

At the restaurant

At the store 1

At the store 2

Directions. Taxi


At the farmer’s market (bazaar).

Big Numerals and dialogues with them.

Interaction with police. Dialogue.

Phrases to interact with police. 

Let’s speak abot some emotions

How to express some requests or needs. (Useful phrases).

Train trip

В магазине




Мудрая красавица


Ева и Змей


Почему он виноват

Самые интересные традиции празднования Рождества в Украине

Упражнения к тексту «Самые интересные традиции празднования Рождества в Украине»

Цветы от Маяковского

Статья об Азербайджане

Дневник моей любви